Insights for Estate Planning
Essential Documents for Seniors
As you or someone you care for ages, you’ll want to organize essential documents that need to be on hand for upcoming financial and health decisions.
What is Non-Titled Property in Estate Planning?
In estate planning, often we often focus on large, high-value items, such as houses, vehicles, and accounts. However, it is essential that you also consider what will happen with your non-titled property.
Green Burial Comes to the Piedmont!
It is undeniable that going “green” is trending these days. From the rise of electric cars to the emergence of home biogas digesters, consumers want to feel like they are reducing their environmental impact and taking care of the earth.
Fighting Fraud
Did you know that the average American gets 3-4 spam calls a day? No wonder most of us will not answer calls from unknown numbers anymore! It is just one indication of the unfortunate reality that scams are on the rise.
Alternatives to Guardianship - What you need to know in NC
Sometimes we can worry about balancing dependence and security for those we love. This might be an aging parent, an elderly neighbor with memory issues or a special needs child. In such cases, people might consider a legal option for supporting such individuals with a tool called Guardianship.
What is Probate? We Can Talk About It!
Probate seems to be one of those words that strike anxiety and confusion. But read on because knowledge is power!
Mighty Women - Guardians of the Estate!
Why is Estate Planning absolutely crucial for women in particular? For many reasons!
Social Security Benefits & Estate Planning
One thing most Americans agree on is how important Social Security can be for retirees.
Spring Cleaning for Seniors - Rejuvenate!
We all need a fresh start. Spring sunshine and open windows welcome a good clean-out and re-visioning of our living spaces.
Re-Imagining Dementia
People often talk about dementia in terms of loss. Loss of memory. Loss of cognition. The fear of losing someone close to us… while their physical presence is still with us. Some dementia advocates and artists are pointing us towards a new perspective.