Elder Law in North Carolina
We can be trusted allies as you make key decisions.
As we get older, estate planning becomes even more essential. Peace of mind about your own care and the wellbeing of those you love requires action on your part. You will want to make sure that you secure:
Power of Attorney documents to ensure that your chosen agents have the legal authority to help manage your finances or make health care decisions when needed.
A Living Trust or provisions in your Will where you can create special provisions for a family member who may be disabled or receiving long-term care.
Agents for Financial and Health Decisions
A clear Beneficiary Plan
Planning for Long-Term Care
Our firm has expertise in working with the needs that come with aging.
We often help navigate intergenerational issues and relationships of care. Older clients are ensured our full regard and attention. We also maintain a dementia-friendly office environment and understand how to put everyone at ease.
Navigating legal matters related to aging and elder care requires experienced and compassionate guidance. At Hillsborough Wills & Trusts, we understand the unique challenges and priorities faced by seniors and their families in North Carolina.
Our straightforward consultation process can get you started with confidence.
Our elder law services encompass a range of crucial legal documents and strategies, including power of attorney documents, living trusts, beneficiary plans, and long-term care planning. We prioritize the wellbeing and autonomy of our elder clients, ensuring that their wishes are legally protected and their affairs are managed with care and expertise.