Insights for Estate Planning

Colin Austin Colin Austin

Caregiver Support: Build a Network!

There are a number of ways to widen the circle of care so that the burden does not rest too much on a single individual. This takes forethought and planning to implement but can make a tremendous difference in the wellbeing of all involved.

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Colin Austin Colin Austin

Q&A: Elder Law vs. Estate Planning

While elder law helps you during your lifetime if you become incapacitated or need long-term care, estate planning creates legal documents (such as wills and trusts) so that when you pass away, your belongings will go to the people or charities that are important to you. 

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Colin Austin Colin Austin

How to deal with Social Media after Someone Dies?

These days it is becoming more likely that someone will leave behind social media accounts - a digital legacy of online photos, messages, and posts on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter (X).  

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Colin Austin Colin Austin

Why Prenuptials are a Good Idea

A prenuptial agreement is a legally binding contract that allows you to feel financially secure in a marriage by determining what exactly will happen to your assets in the event of divorce or complications.

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Colin Austin Colin Austin

How is a Revocable Trust like a Ziploc Bag?

Also known as a “Living Trust,” a Revocable Trust is a written document determining how your assets will be distributed to beneficiaries (the recipients of assets) at your death. Like a Ziploc bag, the trust is a storage place where items can be removed or added.

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Colin Austin Colin Austin

4 Key Estate Planning Steps For Young Families

The demands of the here and now can make it difficult to think further than the next few hours! However, the longterm wellbeing of a family rests on planning ahead for possible bends in the road - changes in health, resources, and even death.

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Colin Austin Colin Austin

When Should I Update My Will?

Your last will and testament is one of the most important legal documents you'll ever create. It dictates how your assets will be distributed and your affairs managed after you pass away.

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Seth Hoffman Seth Hoffman

What are Durable Powers of Attorney?

People often hear the term Power of Attorney, but may not understand what protection and benefits this legal document provides in the the case of life and estate planning.

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